Friday, March 11, 2011

Smoking and lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a universal problem and the most common type of cancer. About 90% of all lung cancer deaths in the world are linked to Tobacco and cigarette smoking. Smoking is considered as the leading cause of death the world over. A cigarette contains a large quantity of free radicals which causes lung damage. The lungs are two large organs located inside the chest cavity.
Lung cancer is characterized by the transformation of normal lung cells into abnormal cells. Lung cancer is the malignant transformation and expansion of lung tissue. The symptoms and signs of Lung Cancer can vary from difficulty in breathing, coughing up blood, chest pain, Loss of appetite, weight loss etc. sometimes Lung cancer can only be detected via an X-Ray Scan. Lung Cancer is not very visible at first, particularly when lung cancer is still in its first stage.
Lung cancer is divided into 4 types
• Small cell lung cancer,
• Squamous cell carcinoma lung cancer,
• Large cell carcinoma lung cancer
• Adenocarcinoma lung cancer

It is Very important to quit smoking to prevent Lung cancer. NicoNot, an Anti Smoking herbal pill helps smoker s to effectively quit smoking by reducing the urge and also helps smokers deal with the withdrawal symptoms with ease. For more information on an effective stop smoking pills, visit