Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The dreadful effects of smoking

Tobacco or cigarette smoking is an addictive habit and because of the amount of nicotine in cigarettes the users get addicted to it and hence so many people worldwide are finding it difficult to quit smoking.  Despite knowing the dangers of smoking, some people find it hard to stop smoking.   Teenagers and young adults normally smoke so that be on par with their social circles. 

Smoking is not only highly addictive, but a smoker spends a lot of money on cigarettes; smoking can result in serious life-threatening diseases and other problems like bad breath, yellow teeth and fingers, bad skin etc.  Smoking affects not only the smoker but the people around as well because the smoke which getting emitted from your lungs contains huge amounts of poisonous chemicals which are bad for health and the problem of second-hand smoke affects all around you and even children.   Smoking is also the most common reason for premature death among smokers and the distressing part of it is that deaths also include children who are exposed to second-hand smoke from their parents or relatives.  

When you smoke you inhale a lot of harmful chemicals, some of which are shown to cause different cancer related and other respiratory diseases.  Smoking is also a major cause of strokes, heart illnesses, and several other life-threatening diseases. If you are a pregnant woman and are a smoker or surrounded by smokers your baby most probably will develop either of conditions like weak heart and lungs with curtailed lung function and narrow air passages, premature birth or even death of a child.  If you manage to quit smoking the chances of these illnesses are completely reduced, and you can lead a healthy life.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Quit smoking with Herbal anti-smoking supplements

Smokers who want to quit smoking may find it very difficult to get rid of this habit as nicotine which is present in cigarettes is a drug which is very addictive.  People who have stopped smoking may suffer from withdrawal symptoms which include a lot of mental and physical problems. It can tempt them to again light up a cigarette but knowing the dangers of smoking, they would be cautious and will be determined to get rid of the habit.

Herbal anti-smoking supplements have helped thousands of smokers to get rid of the habit and is proven to be the best way to quit smoking.  Taking these anti-smoking herbal products are considered as the natural way to quit smoking as they contain herbs and other natural ingredients which do not provide any negative or harmful effects on the health and would not suffer from withdrawal symptoms.   The quit smoking ingredients contained in it will greatly decrease the desire of the person to smoke too and will reduce the body's need for the nicotine.   They are usually very safe to use since they do not have any addictive power, provide physical and mental relaxation and is a great way to stop smoking.  Quit smoking now and lead a smoke free healthy life in a natural way.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Give up smoking to live a healthy and longer life

Smoking is a very dangerous addiction, because of the nicotine in the cigarettes which influences the brain and other areas that control mood, energy levels and memory.  With smoking the brain gets used to constant amount of nicotine and therefore when one stops smoking, you experience withdrawal symptoms, and this makes a person difficult to quit.

Passive smoking is when you inhale secondhand tobacco smoke. This secondhand tobacco smoke is a mixture of smoke exhaled by active smokers and passive smoking generally occurs in closed environments, but open environments are equally prone.  Passive smoking can have serious effects on an individual's health like cancer, heart and respiratory problems, asthma, low birth weight, still births, sudden infant death syndrome and ear infections.

Therefore, smoking is harmful, and the dangers of smoking are more serious.   Smoking causes lung and throat cancer, heart disease, emphysema, as well as bronchial and lung disorders. A pregnant woman who smokes increases the chances of her baby being underweight and having behavioral problems.  

Giving up smoking is difficult but to give up smoking you should have the desire and willpower and must maintain a quit smoking plan.  Once you know the dangers and ill effects of smoking and the health implications you are more committed to quit smoking.  Stay away from people who smoke to avoid temptation. Try herbal anti-smoking supplements and stop smoking with grit and perseverance. Once you quit smoking you can live longer and enjoying an improved quality of life.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Damaging ill hazards of Cigarette Smoking

Medical organizations all over the world have found enough evidences, that cigarette smoking can cause several severe health problems. Studies also reveal that people who smoke cigarettes, possess very high chances of suffering from lung cancer, in comparison to those who do not smoke. The other serious health hazard caused by cigarette smoking, are lung, throat and oral cancer, as well as various other types of illnesses, like emphysema, smoker's cough, loss of endurance and stamina, premature wrinkles, decline in libido, etc. A single cigarette stick contains nearly 4,000 different types of chemicals and among them 60 types of chemicals have been identified to cause cancer.  Apart from the illnesses mentioned, smoking is also responsible for causing other fatal diseases like bladder, pancreatic, cervix esophageal and kidney cancer.

Nicotine, which is a chemical widely found in cigarettes, is toxic and very addictive and the smoke emitted by cigarettes, consist of deadly, carcinogenic compounds, like radon and radium, which are found to be responsible for causing lung cancer. Cigarette smoking also considerably increases the blood pressure level and the heartbeat, which happens mainly due to the presence of nicotine, which stimulates the central nervous system and also reduces the oxygen amount that travels to the brain which can lead to blood clots thereby leading to different cardiovascular diseases, like strokes and heart attacks.

 Even women who smoke can suffer from various health problems, but they can also start getting premature wrinkles and if a woman smokes during her pregnancy, the unborn child will also be at a risk to the harmful effects of smoking.

Hence, it is advisable to quit smoking immediately to live a fit and healthy life.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Cigarette Smoke - Health Dangers

Everybody knows that cigarette smoke is harmful and is the leading cause of preventable death   that occur from cancer, respiratory disease, vascular disease and various other types of aliments as a result of cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoking causes about 90% of lung cancer deaths in men and almost 80% of lung cancer deaths in women. Smoking also causes cancers of the bladder, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, cervix, kidney, lung, pancreas, and stomach, and causes acute myeloid leukemia.

The diseases in cigarette smoke come from the variety of dangerous chemicals like tar to carbon monoxide that are in a single cigarette which are very harmful to our bodies. Besides the well-known effects from smoking, like cancer, vascular diseases, miscarriages, impotence, etc., one of cigarettes most deadly side effects is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which is a disease that makes breathing difficult and can cause what's commonly known as 'smokers cough' and is also one the leading cause of death worldwide.   Cigarette smokers are   more likely to develop coronary heart disease than nonsmokers, and   a person can be at risk for a stroke.

These disturbing facts about cigarette smoking are very well-known by everyone, hence a smoker should decide and try to quit smoking; find people who supports your decision and will be able to help you quit smoking.  Quit smoking is not easy but it is possible, and you need to be strong.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Herbal products are the right choice to stop smoking

To quit smoking is not really that simple and easy but herbal smoking pills help to stop smoking and lessen your difficulties and help support your nervous system and keep your serotonin levels steady in your brain.  When it comes to quit smoking, the smokers are in a fix as they wonder how they would deal with the withdrawal symptoms.  After quitting smoking, the smoker's body reacts in different ways which may be difficult initially, but herbal products give satisfactory results with no withdrawal symptoms.  Now many smokers opt for herbal anti-smoking supplements which help keep them healthy and physically fit.

The advantages of smoking herbal products are:
1.   They are natural and made with a combination of different herbs which are proved to support sugar balance and makes the nervous system stronger.
2.      They do not contain any chemicals and are safe with no side effects.
3.     Works well in soothing the nervous system craving for cigarettes and does not affect the lungs.
4.      It helps rejuvenate the brain by improving nerve function and avoids weight gain; helps maintain strong and healthy body.

The decision to quit smoking depends on your will power and determination too, therefore quit smoking now which will help you get a healthy body, stopping future illnesses and a good lifestyle. 

Friday, August 23, 2019

Effects of Cigarette Smoking on your life - tips to quit cigarette smoking

Every smoker knows that   smoking cigarettes does no good for their health and most of them know very well the ill effects of cigarettes smoking in their lives.  Some of the effects of cigarettes smoking are lung cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer, stomach cancer and affects the kidney, liver and other organs of the body too.  Coronary heart disease is also one of the effects of smoking and is known to the one number death cause. Hypertension, smoker cough, strokes, dry wrinkled skin, bronchial asthma, bad breath, bad smelling, yellow teeth and even some cases of blindness are also associated to smoking cigarettes. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases like bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, etc. are often related to smoking.  Your body loses strength and vigor making difficult for you to do even simple things, like going up a flight of stairs without panting for breadth. Sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction and low sperm count can also be caused by cigarette smoking.

These are the many effects of cigarette smoking and if you do not quit smoking, it can deteriorate your life span and quality. Today smokers are more and more confined to smoker zones, making them feel uncomfortable and guilty because of their habit.   The money that is spent on cigarettes can be spent on more useful and important things.

It is difficult for those are already addicted to cigarette to quit cigarette smoking.  There are some withdrawal symptoms like insomnia, mental confusion, depression and anxiety but that can be overcome if you have a strong willpower and decide to stop smoking. Just realize and understand the effects of smoking on your life and have a strong will and determination to quit and you will be benefited after quitting compared to continue being a smoker. There are a few very effective natural quit smoking methods – use it as a source of motivation and quit smoking.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Smoking Cigarettes affects health as well as physical appearance

A smoker does not notice the serious health effects initially but by the time he has noticed it, there are serious health damage that has occurred which could have been avoided had he stopped smoking earlier.  Besides the ill effects of smoking on health, there are external effects of cigarettes and the smoker is warned about it in advance before it harms his body.  However, the smoker does not realize it and continue smoking.  If a smoker realized looking at what smoking does to their body, they would quit smoking immediately.

The main disadvantage of smoking is that a smoker starts looking older than his years as cigarette smoking hastens aging.  Research and studies reveal that smoking causes premature facial wrinkles.  The other effect that smoking has is developing psoriasis, a skin problem.  The more cigarettes which they smoke, the greater is the skin problem like itching and burning.  Smoking also affects the hair; for men they grow bald and a woman suffers from the problem of hair thinning and start getting grey hair. Smoking also affects the mouth; a smoker suffers from bad breadth, dental problems and teeth discoloration and stains.

Smoking makes one look much older and shortens your life compared to a non-smoker who enjoys a healthy life.  Look into the mirror and see how smoking affects your personal appearance which are the signs to warm you that you can suffer from serious health hazards too.  Stay healthy, look and feel better - Quit smoking today www.niconot.com

Friday, July 19, 2019

Control and quit cigarette smoking

Cigarette smoking is a very dangerous habit and is known to cut smokers' lives by many years by increasing their risk of cancer and heart disease.  When people smoke in front of others then the problem is for those who inhale secondhand smoke and hence smokers should have to think twice before they light up.  

Today so many teenagers have started this bad habit of smoking and hence they should be made aware of the dangerous consequences to themselves as well as those who breathe in secondhand smoke.  Heart disease, lung and oral cancers are very common among long term smokers.  In spite of the ill effects of smoking, people still continue smoking and consequently more people continue to die every year because of it.  Cigarette smoking has many adverse reproductive health effects which includes an increased risk for infertility, stillbirth, low birth weight, and sudden infant death syndrome.

Even though it is not easy to quit smoking, it is important to give up the habit with proper assistance before it develops to a serious disease. Once you quit smoking you will be able to live a longer and stress free life and your body will be free of the harmful substances found in cigarettes.   Hence take precaution and stop smoking if you want your children grow up in a healthy and smoke-free environment. Try to quit smoking, be strong make a decision fast before it’s too late.  Stop smoking is not easy but it is possible if you have the urge and willpower - www.niconot.com

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Effects of smoking on pregnant women

Women who smoke during pregnancy exposes herself and her unborn child to immense health risks as cigarette smoke contains harmful components like nicotine, carbon monoxide and cyanide. These substances are absorbed by the placenta and affect the baby and the mother would not even realize it.  There is restriction on the growth of the fetal and a woman who smokes during pregnancy would normally give birth to a child whose weight will be low and would cause ill effect on her health because of it.  The low birth weight is due to the narrowing of oxygen and nutrients transporting blood vessels.

There are approximately 20 per cent of pregnant women who smoke and many of them smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day. Many pregnant women manage to quit smoking within the first trimester of pregnancy and if you stop smoking your chances of having a normal sized baby at birth increases. However, it does not mean that smoking is safe but quitting is always helpful both to the mother and child.  Studies have also found that smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of genetic abnormalities like cleft lip or palate, bowel, eyes, ears or spinal cord malformations and respiratory problems.  It is important for a pregnant woman to keep in mind the ill effects of smoking for herself and her unborn child like placenta abnormalities, increased risk of respiratory problem development etc. Smoking also increases hypertension and increased heart rate which can cause complications to the mother and the unborn child. Hence it is of great significance for pregnant women to quit smoking.  Quit smoking, keep your baby in a smoke free environment and live a healthy life - www.niconot.com.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Long Term Effects of Cigarette Smoking

Many people start smoking not realizing the long term implications it has on the health of the person; it is a very bad habit that that has serous longer term health effects and hence one should avoid smoking. Cigarette smoke contains tar consisting of over 4,000 chemicals of which some like cyanide, wood, alcohol, and acetylene are known to cause cancer.   The main active ingredient in the cigarette, i.e. nicotine, is a highly addictive drug.  The long term effects of cigarette include lung diseases, cancer, cardiovascular disease, low sperm count and much more. While lung cancer is the most common, other cancers are the larynx, mouth and bladder and even the kidneys, pancreas and stomach can be affected.  Lung related diseases due to smoking would be bronchitis and pneumonia.  Smokers are also prone to suffer from heart disease.  Smoking is not only dangerous to the person who smokes but also to the life of people that surround him.

The effects of cigarette smoking on health should motivate a smoker to quit smoking as soon as possible and live a happier, healthier life. A smoker should quit smoking and even though he experiences withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, hostility, anxiety, depression, restlessness, increased appetite and a craving for cigarette, he should be firm and have a strong willpower and be motivated to quit this bad habit.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Benefits - quit smoking

Smoking is a very dangerous habit yet people can't give it up easily.  Smoking is addictive as it rushes nicotine to the brain and this enhances the addictive effect of nicotine. Many smokers feel that it is not possible to quit smoking if they constantly see other people smoking. Some do not want to face the unbearable withdrawal symptoms that often accompany after a person stops smoking.  Many want to end their addiction but feel that they don't have enough willpower to stop smoking.

Giving up smoking is difficult but to give it up you should have the desire and strong willpower. A smoker should know the ill effects of smoking; understand its consequences to lead a healthy smoke free life.  Once you have decided to quit smoking, you have won half the battle as smokers try to quit more than once before they actually give up.  Be committed to the cause and have the grit and perseverance. Learning about the health hazard that smoking leads to will definitely make the person more committed to quit.   Keep away from people who smoke and surround yourself with people who would help you with your initiative to stop smoking.

 Once you stop smoking you will notice remarkable changes in your body; you will be able to breathe well, your taste will improve and also your sense of smell.  You will lead a healthier and longer life as you will not be at a risk from heart disease, stroke, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and several kinds of cancers.  You can save money and the time that you spent on smoking for other effective uses; you can also have clean unstained teeth, smell better, have a healthier skin, and enjoy better sex life and many more.  Quit smoking now live longer and enjoy an improved quality of life.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Negative Effects of Smoking

Cigarette smoking is an addictive habit because of its high content of nicotine and is    quite popular among teenagers and young adults nowadays. In spite of the known ill effects of smoking, people are still getting addicted to cigarettes because of which it makes difficult for people to stop smoking.  Smoking which is addictive makes you spend lots of money on cigarettes and also cause serious life threatening diseases and physical problems like yellow teeth and fingers, bad skin, bad breath, etc.  Smoking not only affects the smoker but also the problem of second hand smoke can affect people especially children around you as the smoke emitted from a smoker contains huge amount of chemicals.

Statistics shows that smoking is the most common reason for premature death among smokers and every year there are many people dying of smoke related illnesses.   Every time a smoker inhales, he actually inhales harmful chemicals most of which are known to trigger different cancer related diseases like lung cancer or respiratory disease and can also cause heart illnesses, strokes and a number of other life threatening diseases.  Studies show that many young kids are suffering from respiratory and coronary diseases because of second hand smoke inhalation.  Also a pregnant woman if she is surrounded by smokers, her baby can be affected like weak heart and lungs.

Other than serious life threatening diseases, you can also suffer from dental where you can lose your teeth too and hygiene problems.  Smoking ruins your health, physical appearance; therefore it is your choice if you want to smoke or not but remember the serious consequences of smoking; hence it is important to quit smoking now and lead a healthy life.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Quit Cigarette Smoking

Every smoker knows that smoking cigarettes does no good for their health and everyone knows the effects of cigarettes smoking in their lives.  Nicotine which is one of the substances in the cigarette is said to be as strong as some of the drugs that are available and which makes us crave to smoke more.  People who smoke should have a strong desire and will power to quit smoking and may experience some of the withdrawal symptoms like insomnia, depression and anxiety and these symptoms can be dealt with if your mind is firm to stop smoking.

There are a lot of quit smoking benefits as compared to continue being a smoker.  Smoking does no good and there are a lot of health effects and other illnesses like coronary heart disease, lung cancer, hypertension, erectile dysfunction, etc. that are associated with smoking and this is not good and hence should be a motivation for you to quit smoking.  It also affects your physical appearance by affecting you with wrinkled skin, yellow teeth and bad breadth. You lose the energy and strength making you breathless which will make things difficult for you.

The money that you spend on cigarettes could be spent on something more useful and important.  Lead a healthy and smoke free life and consider a natural stop smoking method which is safe, effective and with no withdrawal symptoms - www.niconot.com

Monday, April 29, 2019

Cigarette smoking and male impotency

It is a recognized fact that smoking severely harms your health and overall wellness and can cause problems including cancer, strokes etc.  Cigarettes contain components that can harm almost all parts of your body and can also affect your sexual life.  Smoking causes harmful effects on the reproductive organs of the male and also impacts the fertility rate by bringing down the sperm movement and count.   Smoking also causes erection problems and is the main cause of impotency.

When you smoke for a long period of time, you will notice stoppage of blood in arteries which transport blood to different parts of the body including the penis.  Once nicotine enters in the blood, it induces harm to the mechanism of the valve and affects the ejaculation and harms sperm movement and destructs the sperm.

There are various ways and methods to overcome impotency but it is better to stop smoking to avoid this problem.  There are natural anti impotency herbal supplements that help overcome the problem of erectile dysfunction and there are herbal anti-smoking supplements also that help you quit smoking which gently acts on the nicotine receptors and effectively fools us into thinking it’s getting more nicotine.  Quit Smoking now and curb your erectile problems the natural, safe and easy way www.niconot.com

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Effects of Second Hand Smoke

If you are staying with a smoker then the effects of second hand smoke is very dangerous.  Second hand smoke is the smoke coming out from the person smoking every time he lights a cigarette and exhales.

With second hand smoke your heart has to work harder by pumping blood due to lack of oxygen and the heart suffers greatly every time you inhale smoke of the cigarette and the heart’s arteries age faster.  Even blood pressure can go up and if this happens it burdens your heart and this can increase chances of getting a heart attack.  Even the lungs are affected as they inhale poisonous carbon monoxide instead of fresh oxygen and can also cause a lot of lung diseases which can be threatening.  Your lungs are now more susceptible to a lot of lung diseases as the bacteria and viruses can cause lung infections such as tuberculosis, bronchitis and pneumonia.  Even the immune system is affected as the immune cells become unhealthy and produces weak antibodies which are not able to control the viruses and bacteria which enter and this leads to long-lasting inflammation inside the body which causes all diseases.  Even the digestive system is affected and this can lead to inflammation of the intestine lining which is one of the main cause of colon cancer.  People who are exposed to second hand smoke can also suffer from different types of cancer and its harmful consequences. It is therefore important for people to stop smoking to help himself as well his close people from contacting any illnesses and live a healthy life.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Stop smoking and eliminate the damages of smoking

Smoking is a serious health scare habit and studies show the incredible damaging effect of cigarette smoking and the fact that more than 1 pack of cigarettes can increase the mortality rate with up to 90%. Smoking has many harmful side effects, the effect on your health or the health of those around you, to the money spent on each pack and the damage it can do to your home and family.

To quit smoking is not an easy task as sudden quitting of smoking will lead to withdrawal symptoms that can entice even strong willed quitters to start smoking again. There are many anti-smoking solutions which curb the habit efficiently but many of them fail to relieve you from the withdrawal symptoms which again forces person to go back to the habit.  Hence if you need to quit smoking in order to eliminate the risk of aggravating your health there are effective herbal anti-smoking supplements which will help you get rid of smoking withdrawal symptoms. It contains potent herbs that have natural healing properties that will eventually curb your urge for nicotine.

The harmful effects of smoking will start to disappear once you stop smoking completely and the withdrawal symptoms will also disappear gradually. These supplements also help to decrease anxiety and depression that affect many people who are struggling to quit smoking.

Therefore it is best for you to quit smoking and start enjoying a healthy living and secure your future today.   Though, it is not so easy to quit smoking, but take a decision to quit, and have the determination.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Get rid of your addiction forever with quit smoking herbal supplements

The smokers are in a predicament in managing the problems of withdrawal symptoms when they want to stop smoking and the awkwardness to manage without cigarettes in hand. It is rather difficult to quit smoking but with determination and well power and with a safe herbal product you can quit smoking in an easy way without the fear of withdrawal systems.    Natural herbal anti-smoking supplement protects the body from any future problems that appear after having stopped smoking.

Once a smoker quits smoking, it will be difficult initially as the body reacts in different ways and they start noticing new problems. Hence smokers opt for quit smoking herbal pills to keep themselves physically fit and give them the satisfaction with the results obtained.  Herbal anti-smoking pills works well in soothing the nervous system when it craves for cigarettes. They do not affect the lungs and the body with weight loss and rejuvenates the brain by improving the nerve function and do not contain any harmful chemicals so side effects won’t be experienced by the smoker.  Herbal anti-smoking pills is a potent formula that safely mimics the properties and mechanism of nicotine, no withdrawal symptoms and are the right choice to help you quit smoking. Breathe in a healthier you, enjoy a long & healthy life – quit smoking now.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Say No to cigarettes and quit smoking now

Smoking is no fun or adventure but it kills people quietly and according to reports every few seconds a person dies prematurely due to heart attack, cancer, respiratory or any kind of tobacco related diseases.  Tobacco is the most common risk factor for illnesses worldwide and hence one should be serious and stop smoking immediately.  Cigarette smoker risk their life and spend so much of money on it and invite numerous diseases not only to you but also to the other people around you who inhale second hand smoke which is considered more hazardous than smoking.  You can also affect your family if you smoke inside your house; hence you should realize is it worth to continue smoking.

Most smokers don't exercise regularly as they feel if they smoke then there is no point in exercising as they lack the energy; hence if a person quits smoking he will gain a lot of energy and be himself and start taking an interest in outdoor activities.  Once you quit smoking, you are able to breathe well and also eat and follow good healthy diet.  The health problems that you face while smoking will also be better and can disappear too once you quit smoking.

Smoking has a big impact on your wellbeing as our body has been exposed to the toxins in cigarettes. Once you quit smoking you feel and look younger and maintain good health.   You will even save enough money to indulge in other enjoyable things like holidays, going to the gym, etc. Hence it is important to take a decision to stop smoking immediately. If you want to live a normal healthy life free from any illnesses then say no to smoking and quit immediately.  

Thursday, February 14, 2019

The disaster of smoking

There are many smokers today who are unaware of the risks associated with smoking. Smoking harms every part of the body and is also responsible for various types of cancer such as cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx, lung, bladder, kidney, cervix, stomach, pancreas, cataract, asthma, etc.  Smokers also suffer from chronic pulmonary disease (COPD) and are highly prone to pneumonia as well as other infections associated with the respiratory system.  Inhaling   tobacco smoke can be injurious because of the harmful chemicals contained in tobacco. Men who smoke are also at a risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Women who are pregnant should stop smoking as it could lead to an abnormally underweight premature baby. Also, a woman who smokes during her pregnancy period or after giving birth exposes her baby to various health risks which can lead to death which may occur due to   Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.  

 The smoke from a cigarette not only harms those who smoke but also affects close people living with smokers. It is therefore necessary to quit this unhealthy habit which would then decrease the health risks associated with it.  The first thing a smoker should do is to throw out all the ash trays and cigarettes that are found in his or her house or any other place.  Do not get tempted to smoke and do not allow anyone who smokes to come near you.  You can quit smoking by taking help of your family and close friends who will discourage you and divert your mind.  Quit smoking by being positive, having the willpower that will help you live a healthier life.  

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Live a healthy life without smoking

Smoking is considered by many specialists and doctors as one of our biggest health damaging factors and studies show the ill effects of cigarette smoking.   One of every ten deaths around the world is caused by a smoking-related disease and because the smokers are addicted to nicotine most of them find it hard to quit. A smoker will often describe pleasure from the feel of a cigarette in the hand, and from the taste, sight and smell of the smoke and in social gatherings it involves a sharing experience with other smokers.    

Smoking can affect your health in various way – causes cancer, heart and lung disease, lowers hormonal levels, causes depression and infertility and physically it affects your skin by causing wrinkles and making one look older, bad breadth and many more.  Smoking can be expensive and is also a bad influence on children.

There are various ways to stop smoking.  Hypnosis is a method used by a section of smokers to get rid of the habit. As has been observed, this form of treatment rarely provides smokers with the solution they seek and does not address nicotine addiction.   

There are natural quit smoking herbal supplements that will help you quit smoking without experiencing further cravings.  It contains herbs that have natural healing properties that curb your urge for nicotine and helps to decrease anxiety and depression which smokers experience while they are trying to quit cigarettes. Smoking can be hard to quit.  However, it is important that people who decide to quit smoking, should understand that they can if they have the willpower, motivation, belief and the confidence to quit.  

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Dangers of Cigarette Smoking

People smoke the first time just to try it and think that when they want to quit they will be able to stop smoking; but it is not easy for most people to quit smoking and hence it is important to know the harmful effects and the dangerous risks of smoking so you get the motivation and willpower to stop smoking.

Smoking increases the chances of different types of cancers like lung and skin cancers and many others.  It also decreases your body energy and you will not be full of energy if you continue smoking.  Imagine not being able to live a fun filled life where you would be hardly able to run or remain active because the toxins from a cigarette affect the entire body.  People smoke to relieve their stress but cigarettes offer only brief period of relaxation before the stress starts showing again. If you try and hold back your stress by smoking a cigarette it can be worse as you cannot face your stress which will keep on building up and make you feel sicker.   Smoking depletes your energy completely thereby causing physical pain, anxiety and depression.  Smoking also makes your financial situation worse as you spend thousands every year on tobacco when you could spend that same money on something more useful like going on a holiday, supporting your family or doing some charitable work.

Many people have succeeded to quit smoking and you too can let go off this habit and live a healthier and happier life - www.niconot.com