Friday, October 16, 2009

Health benefits of quitting smoking

Smoking is the worst thing that can damage your health. A smoker inhales a substance containing 43 cancer-causing (carcinogenic) compounds besides four hundred other toxins including nicotine and tar. The main cause of addiction is nicotine which is present in cigarettes. Smoking also causes lung and throat cancer, heart disease, emphysema, bronchial and lung disorders.

A recent report has shown that smoking tobacco and nicotine is the world’s leading cause of death and disability -- more than HIV, AIDS, or famine. The report also estimates that smoking-related illnesses cause 30 million deaths per year.

Few Benefits of quitting smoking

1. Better blood circulation- helps manage your blood pressure levels
2. Higher energy levels. - After 3 days, your bronchial tubes begin to relax and your energy levels will be increasing.
3. Increased stamina.-helps increase your stamina.
4. Improved sense of taste & smell-Just after 48 hours, your ability to smell and taste will be greatly enhanced.
5. Reduced chance of heart attack-After 24 hours, your chance of heart attack decreases.
6. Carbon monoxide (CO) level in your blood will minimize and there will be considerable increment of oxygen level.
7. Helps you stay away from harmful diseases like lung and throat cancer, heart disease, emphysema, bronchial and lung disorders.

NicoNOT is a natural smoking herbal formula which ensures that you will quit smoking safely. The ingredients act as natural replacements for nicotine, satisfying your body’s addiction to this toxic substance while providing it natural nutrients only. For more information on the product, you can visit their website

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