Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Negative Effects of Smoking on life

We all know that smoking is bad for us and has many risks and effects  and given below are some of the harmful effects of smoking.

Smokers cough is the one people will notice the most while talking to a smoker.  
Stained/Yellow teeth - This is a common effect of smoking, and many smokers will notice that their teeth have changed from white to almost yellow due to smoking.  
 Yellow fingernails are due to the smoke that gets in contact with your fingers.  
Negative effects of smoking affects the lungs and excessive smoking slowly deteriorates the lung capacity.  A smoker experiences low energy as it reduces your body’s oxygen intake, which again reduces your energy levels.  Less oxygen in your blood results in the brain getting less oxygen too and hence cannot function well.  Due to this you cannot focus on things and can cause dizziness too.
The smoke that you inhale contaminates your blood and therefore the blood cannot circulate freely as it used to and the arteries begin to clog.  With lowered blood flow, you will experience cold hands and feet and it can cause shortness of breath and heart attacks as well.

Due to the clogged arteries, the reduced blood flow will make your skin dull and pale than it used to be.  A smoker suffers from bad breath also. These are some of harmful effects of smoking hence it is better to quit smoking as smoking kills and in the long run you will be at risk of blood clogs, cancer, heart diseases etc.

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