Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Long Term Effects of Cigarette Smoking

Many people start smoking not realizing the long term implications it has on the health of the person; it is a very bad habit that that has serous longer term health effects and hence one should avoid smoking. Cigarette smoke contains tar consisting of over 4,000 chemicals of which some like cyanide, wood, alcohol, and acetylene are known to cause cancer.   The main active ingredient in the cigarette, i.e. nicotine, is a highly addictive drug.  The long term effects of cigarette include lung diseases, cancer, cardiovascular disease, low sperm count and much more. While lung cancer is the most common, other cancers are the larynx, mouth and bladder and even the kidneys, pancreas and stomach can be affected.  Lung related diseases due to smoking would be bronchitis and pneumonia.  Smokers are also prone to suffer from heart disease.  Smoking is not only dangerous to the person who smokes but also to the life of people that surround him.

The effects of cigarette smoking on health should motivate a smoker to quit smoking as soon as possible and live a happier, healthier life. A smoker should quit smoking and even though he experiences withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, hostility, anxiety, depression, restlessness, increased appetite and a craving for cigarette, he should be firm and have a strong willpower and be motivated to quit this bad habit.

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