Monday, June 21, 2010

Smoking Withdrawal Symptoms: Hazardous Effects on Physical and Mental Health!!

Most of the smokers want to quit smoking but put quitting on hold due to the fear of terrible withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms make quitting process quite difficult for an individual causing mental and physical trouble i.e.

Quit Smoking Withdrawal Symptoms:
• Constipation
• Depression
• Anxious feelings
• Restlessness
• Inability to fall asleep
• Dizziness
• Headaches
• Fatigue
• Anger
• Irritability
• Constant craving for tobacco
• Concentration problems
• Weight gain

All these health problems arises due to an ingredient “Nicotine” that causes addiction. Nicotine addiction is as powerful as cocaine. It acts as a stimulant that is highly toxic as well as addictive.

Other Quit Smoking Withdrawal Symptoms Include:
• Sweating
• Hands and feet Tingling
• Nausea and Cramps
• Sore throats and colds

The withdrawal symptoms are not only physical but mental also i.e.

Mental Quit Smoking Withdrawal Symptoms :

• Feeling like an infant, with tantrums, dependency and other childish needs
• Insomnia
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Mental vagueness
• Irritability
• Mental confusion, at times severe

Thus it is very essential for smokers to find an aid that helps quit smoking without making them suffer from withdrawal symptoms like NicoNot. NicoNot stop smoking supplement fights nicotine addiction thereby killing the urge for smoking naturally. This stop smoking supplement prevents withdrawal symptoms without causing any other side-effects. NicoNot stop smoking supplement is 100% safe and has no nasty side-effects. It is available without any prescription. NicoNot stop smoking formula acts on the same receptors in the brain that nicotine binds to when inhaled during smoking. It thus stabilizes the system and prevents it from having setbacks of craving and withdrawal.To know more about this effective and safe stop smoking supplement, visit

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