Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pregnancy and cigarette Smoking…

One of the worst things a pregnant woman can do is smoke. Cigarette smoking can cause serious damage to your unborn baby. From pre-term deliver to low birth weight smoking is dangerous for your baby.

Cigarettes contain literally thousands of chemicals, including lead and cyanide, known compounds that cause cancer. Thus smoking, not only are these harmful toxins making their way through your body, but the body of your unborn child as well. The baby's health will no doubt be seriously affected by this kind of smoking and the baby could even die as a result of being exposed to too much poisonous substances.

Smoking Effects on unborn Babies:
1. The carbon monoxide and nicotine in cigarettes reducing oxygen supply by narrowing the body's blood vessels, which includes all the vessels in the umbilical cord that nourishes the fetus through the developmental months. Without much oxygen and nutrients, the growth of the baby is seriously affected.
2. Pregnancy smoking increases the risk having a baby weighing 5.5-pounds or less, or even a premature birth by as much as 50%.
3. The greatest fear related to pregnancy smoking is that the Risk of a stillbirth is more than doubled. Smoking can also lead to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
4. Likewise, babies with smoking mothers are at greater risk of suffering from learning disabilities and cerebral palsy.
5. As the child grows, condition of respiratory difficulties and illnesses such as asthma also develops.
6. Another very serious cigarettes smoking effect on children is the development of pneumonia or pulmonary bronchitis.
7. Children have increased water or fluid in the middle ear, developing in a hearing and even speech problems.
8. Their immune system becomes less strong and the lungs are also affected
9. Babies whose mothers smoke during their pregnancy are born with a deficiency in height and weight.

Knowing the dangers associated with smoking and pregnancy is a step in the right direction. It is important that all expectant mothers act responsibly to the life of their unborn babies. Reducing your smoking whilst you're pregnant will certainly help to reduce the risk to your baby. Whatever the current stage of your pregnancy, it's never too late to give up smoking. Both you and your baby will benefit immediately in the short and in the long term. For more information on natural ways to stop smoking
- visit the website - www.niconot.com

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