Friday, August 28, 2009

Quit Smoking naturally

Smoking is a practice wherein a person inhales in something poisonous as in tobacco which is highly injurious not only to our body but also to the people around us. Tobacco smoking is by far the most popular form of smoking and is practiced by over 1 billion population all around the world.

Do you remember the first time when you lit up that cigarette? It might be due to various reasons like peer pressure, myths that looks at smoking to be cool, in fashion and as a sign of maturity. It might be different reasons that lead you to this vicious obsession, but did you ever realize how difficult it would be for you to get rid of it Research indicates that an 80% of smokers find it very difficult to quit smoking.

What is Passive Smoking?
Passive Smoking or secondhand smoke is inhalation of smoke in a passive manner, from tobacco smoke. Passive smoke stays in the air for several hours even after the smoker stops smoking. Passive smoking has the same dangerous health hazards that a smoker has. The smoker puts his loved ones in the same risk that otherwise could have been avoided.

The market today is flooded with options that help you quit smoking. You might have been a victim of the wide scale treatment options. But, in all of this, relapse is a common phenomenon, in addition to the numerous side effects. Finally, there’s a solution that will enable you to stop smoking most effectively without side effects and relapse will now be an issue of the past - with NicoNot. For more details on this product, visit its website

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Smoking KILLS: Know How?

Smoking is highly injurious to health. It not only affects your internal organs but also damages your external parts starting from head to toe i.e.

External parts of the body:

Hair: - Smokers experience slow hair growth, thinning and graying of hair
Eyes: - Smoking can leads to certain eye disorders such as glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration, graves and even permanent blindness.
Nose: - Smoking badly affects the smelling sensation or power
Teeth: - Due to smoking teeth become yellowish, stained, and suffers from a number of diseases like gingivitis and gum disease.
Hands: - Smoking causes tar stained fingers and peripheral vascular diseases.
Legs and Feet: - Smoking leads to diseases such as gangrene and leg pain.
Skin: - Premature ageing, scarring and wrinkles occurs due to smoking

Internal Organs of the body:

Brain: - Smoking can cause certain diseases of brain such as cerebral thrombosis, blood clotting or thickening
Mouth & Throat: - Smokers most often suffers from larynx, oral cavity and esophagus cancers and also have smelly breath
Lungs & Respiratory System: - Smoking leads to lung cancer, cough, cold, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis and chronic bronchitis
Heart: - Smokers suffer from coronary heart diseases, hypertension, stroke and high cholesterol level.
Digestive system: - Smoking results in a number of digestive system diseases such as crohn’s disease, gallstone, stomach cancer and peptic ulcers

Monday, August 10, 2009

Smoking Hazards on Human Body!

It is a well known fact that smoking is associated with a number of health hazards and serious illnesses which are life threatening. Cigarette consists of almost 4000 chemicals, hundreds of which are toxic. The chemicals present in cigarette badly affect the internal organs of the body i.e.

Cigarette smoking is highly damaging and affects human health badly!!

• Smoking may results in higher risk of cancer i.e. throat, esophagus, lung, stomach and kidney.

• Smoking affects the functioning of immune system and increases the chances of respiratory diseases and other infections

• Smoking results in chronic inflammation and other damaging process that may cause oxidative stress

• Non-smoker’s produces antioxidants in their body to repair damaged cells. However smokers has a lower level of antioxidants in their body

• During smoking, nicotine reaches every part of the body including brain (within 10 seconds) and even breast milk.

• Cigarette smoking can cause carbon monoxide to binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells. As a result affected cells can’t carry oxygen to different parts of body.

• Cigarette smoke consists of cancer causing agents called as carcinogens. Carcinogens damages vital genes of the body controlling growth of cells, resulting them to grow abnormally.

• One of the carcinogen benzo (a) pyrene binds to cells of major organs of the body.

The hazards of smoking are always destructive and widespread.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Smoking and Cancer- Unbelievable Facts!!

Smoking is associated with a number of serious health complications including cancer. Smoking can leads several forms of cancer i.e. esophagus, oral cavity, throat, stomach, cervix, lungs, bladder, larynx, pharynx, kidney, pancreas cancer but the most commonly found among all these is “lung cancer”. This is due to the fact that cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemicals, with over 40 of them being carcinogens.

Facts Associated with Smoking and Cancer:

• Smoking leads to 90% of Lung cancer death in men and 80% in women.

• Cancer is the second leading cause of death and lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death.

• In case of men, smokers have 23 times more chances of suffering from lung cancer than nonsmokers. However women who smoke are about 13 times more likely to suffer from lung caner.

• In United States, smoking is a major cause of esophageal cancer.

• Carcinogens present in tobacco smoke can damage vital genes which control the growth of cells leading them to reproduce or grow abnormally.

• People who smokes as well as consume alcohol has higher risk of laryngeal cancer

• Cigarette smoking increases the chance of developing mouth cancer especially in case of those people who smoke pipes and cigars.

All the above facts are unbelievable but still they all are true. Smoking will not be benefiting you in any case on the contrary will leave you with a number of health problems. Thus don’t let smoking spoil your health and quit it as soon as possible.