Friday, October 24, 2014

Why is smoking bad?

 It is a well known fact that smoking is bad for your health and hence one should make an attempt to stop smoking. Smoking affects and harms ever part of the body and causes many diseases and disorders.  Smoking leads to heart problems, cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which alone kill thousands of smokers.

Smoking also gives you bad breadth and can lead to your teeth turning yellow.  People who are addicted to smoking are more likely to lose their teeth than a non smoker.  Smoking also has negative effects on the skin as they get wrinkles, age prematurely and their skin color turn ashen.  Smokers look more unhealthy and older.

Besides health, a smoker spends a lot of money on their cigarettes as it has become more expensive over the years.  The smokers can spend the money on more constructive things; however if he still continues to smoke then he will be prone to one of the above mentioned diseases and they will have to spend more money on treating these illnesses.

There are many natural remedies to stop smoking.  Herbal stop smoking pills have proven to work – you can learn about these herbal pills to quit smoking by visiting