Sunday, May 24, 2015

Are you trying to quit smoking?

Smoking is bad for health as it leads to many diseases and disorders like cancer, heart disease and COPD and kills thousands of smokers every year.  It can also affect the smokers loved ones who are subjected to second hand smoke.
It also has cosmetic effects on the smoker as continuous smoking leads to yellow teeth and is more likely to lose their teeth.  Smoking gives bad breath and also has negative effects on the skin. Smokers age prematurely; get wrinkles and ashen colored skin and they look older and unhealthy.  Smoking is more expensive and the average smoker spends $20-30 a week on their habit.  This huge amount can be spent on more constructive things like paying bills and leading a healthy life.   If a smoker continues to smoke they will not only have to spend money on their cigarettes but also the diseases that come with smoking and hence the smoker has to pay more money for health. 
Hence it is advisable to quit smoking and avoid having severe health problems and spending too much money on this habit.   You can quit smoking if you have the will power and strength to do it.  Stop smoking can be hard but there are herbal smoking pills available which will help you to get rid of this habit safely without any withdrawal symptoms.