Friday, August 21, 2020

Why is smoking so addictive?

Smoking is a very dangerous addiction, as smoking gives control to the smoker about the intake of their nicotine.  Nicotine goes to the pulmonary beds of the lungs from where nicotine is directly transported to the brain in seconds.  Nicotine also influences other areas of the brain that control mood, energy levels and memory thereby resulting in the brain getting used to a constant dose of nicotine and therefore when you stop smoking, you experience withdrawal symptoms. This makes it difficult for a smoker to quit smoking.

Smoking is harmful and dangerous to health. Tobacco smoke contains cancer-causing   compounds besides other toxins that include nicotine and tar. Nicotine is the addictive substance in tobacco and tar congests the lungs, inhibiting normal breathing.   Smoking also causes lung and throat cancer, heart disease, emphysema, as well as bronchial and lung disorders. Nonsmokers are also at risk of developing smoking related illnesses through passive smoking.  

To stop smoking is the most difficult thing but a smoker who wants to quit smoking should have the desire and a strong will power.  He should know about the ill-effects of smoking and its consequences and must keep ready a quit smoking plan.  There are herbal supplements that help quit smoking and overcome its withdrawal symptoms.  To lead a healthy life, it is important to kick this habit as soon as possible.  Give up smoking and lead a smoke free and active life -