Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A deeper insight into the negative effects of smoking

Medical and health institutions all over the world have concluded that cigarette smoking causes numerous health problems. The number one effect of smoking is lung cancer. Other major negative health conditions that arise because of cigarette smoking include throat cancer, oral and lung cancer, premature wrinkles, stamina loss and decrease in libido.

The facts point out to a very disturbing truth – in every stick of cigarette, there are more than four-thousand chemicals and of these sixty are recognized as cancerous. Lung cancer is just one of the many diseases that are associated with smoking. Bladder, pancreatic, kidney and cervix cancer are also common with smoking cigarette.
Nicotine is a very addictive ingredient and stimulant that is commonly found in cigarettes. It is a chemical that is poisonous. Tobacco smoke contains various toxic compounds like radium which is the prime cause of lung cancer. Besides, Smoking also fastens the heart rate and blood pressure. Oxygen to the smoker's brain is drastically reduced. Likewise it thickens the blood vessels and causes the risk of developing blood clots which ultimately leads to heart attacks and strokes.

Smoking has detrimental effects even on women smokers. They also develop premature wrinkles on the skin. Smoking during pregnancy is even more dangerous. It induces miscarriages to a great extend. The child is exposed adversely due to the presence of a smoking mother. The children of such mothers are usually underweight and malnourished.

Give up smoking before it gets too late. Take the decision today and be blessed with a wonderful life. For more details, check website