Friday, March 28, 2014

Why do youngsters begin Smoking?

Smoking is very common today and has become an addiction among the youngsters who regard it as a fashion statement despite the ill health associated with smoking.

There are many reasons why people start smoking – some of them take up smoking looking at their idol or favourite celebrities because they are doing it and this influences the young generation.

The other reason is the surroundings and environment; their parents, relatives smoke and they unconsciously pick up this habit to appear like an adult. 

Sometimes one faces pressure from friends who want them to try smoking in spite of not wanting to smoke.  However, youngsters who have low confidence feel that if they do not give in to them, they will not be accepted and hence start to smoke so that mix together or to make friends with them.

Some of them pick up this habit out of sheer curiosity and give it to try but regrettably it develops into an addiction and they carry on this habit later too.

Some youngsters start smoking out of revolt to prove their point; they may be having some conflicts or disagreement with their near ones and thus take up smoking to assert control.

Whatever may be the reasons, it is advisable to quit smoking as it would affect their health, relationships, finances and performance in studies.  It is therefore that the adults guide their children in a proper way so that they quit smoking.