Thursday, December 24, 2015

Smoking – a bad habit

Every smoker want to stop smoking but its not easy – people smoke for various reasons either at parties or social get together, during long hours of conversation or when they are stressed.  Smoking not only affects the smoker but also people near him.  Cigarettes also affect the air people breathe.  It causes many harmful illnesses like heart attacks, lung cancer, blood pressure etc.  If a person smokes continuously and becomes a chain smoker then it becomes very difficult for him to keep away from the cigarette and this habit can eventually lead to death.
Even women who smoke can suffer from health hazards, a pregnant woman who smokes can have affect on the child in the womb and may lead to birth defects.  Every year there are many people both men and women dying due to the diseases caused by smoking.  Therefore it is very important to quit smoking and lead a healthy life – with a strong willpower and by taking an anti smoking herbal pill  can help you quit smoking.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Quit Smoking Cigarettes with the help of Herbal pills

If you are a smoker it is time to quit your smoking habit.  There are various ways and products to help you stop smoking but herbal anti smoking pills will give you a good chance to quit smoking compared to the other ways.  These herbal pills effectively help you put an end to your smoking.  These pills contain herbs that have been around for decades and have proven successful to help people quit smoking.
You should try these herbal anti smoking pills because they are very effective and has a high success rate.  Your addiction to nicotine will wear off as these pills eliminate the craving to smoke.  These pills are all natural with no side effects compared to the other medications available that can cause you unpleasant side effects.
If you want to quit smoking in a safe and effective way then try herbal anti smoking pills as it the most successful quit smoking way.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

How Smoking causes tiredness

When you go around you see a number of people with cigarettes in their hands and they do it in spite of knowing smoking is bad for health – the reason being that they are addicted to it.  Nicotine that is present is bad for lungs and can affect not only the smoker but also people around him.  Besides, smoking also causes tiredness to many of them.

The amount of oxygen in the lungs and bloodstream becomes less because of the smoke that comes from cigarettes. Our body needs oxygen to function and if oxygen is less it leads to tiredness as the body parts cannot function well. Smoking also weakens the blood vessels and becomes difficult for the blood to circulate around the body thus causing tiredness as the heart does not function properly because less blood is circulated to the body.

Hence it is best to quit smoking and beat tiredness.  It is not easy but you can first reduce the number of cigarettes and then gradually stop smoking as the craving for nicotine will not be there.  Include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet as they are nutritious and try exercising.  These will make you less susceptible to tiredness. You can try herbal anti smoking pills which are an effective way and has helped many people to quit smoking.

It is very beneficial to your health to quit smoking and lead a healthier lifestyle which will help you attain an energetic life without the ill effects of smoking.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Negative Effects of Smoking on life

We all know that smoking is bad for us and has many risks and effects  and given below are some of the harmful effects of smoking.

Smokers cough is the one people will notice the most while talking to a smoker.  
Stained/Yellow teeth - This is a common effect of smoking, and many smokers will notice that their teeth have changed from white to almost yellow due to smoking.  
 Yellow fingernails are due to the smoke that gets in contact with your fingers.  
Negative effects of smoking affects the lungs and excessive smoking slowly deteriorates the lung capacity.  A smoker experiences low energy as it reduces your body’s oxygen intake, which again reduces your energy levels.  Less oxygen in your blood results in the brain getting less oxygen too and hence cannot function well.  Due to this you cannot focus on things and can cause dizziness too.
The smoke that you inhale contaminates your blood and therefore the blood cannot circulate freely as it used to and the arteries begin to clog.  With lowered blood flow, you will experience cold hands and feet and it can cause shortness of breath and heart attacks as well.

Due to the clogged arteries, the reduced blood flow will make your skin dull and pale than it used to be.  A smoker suffers from bad breath also. These are some of harmful effects of smoking hence it is better to quit smoking as smoking kills and in the long run you will be at risk of blood clogs, cancer, heart diseases etc.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Quit Smoking & lead a healthy life

Everyone agrees that to stop smoking is a difficult task; you not only miss smoking but also suffer from certain health anomalies like dizziness, uneasiness etc. In fact, it all these cause the quitters to return to smoking again.

Nicotine is the compound responsible for fooling your brain by releasing a chemical called dopamine which produces a pleasing sensation. Nicotine receptors on your nerve receive the dopamine and create pleasure and soon the body becomes addict to nicotine and eventually he or she will start taking it on regular basis.
Now you can quit smoking with herbal supplements that are formulated using ingredients that act as substitutes for nicotine and satisfy the craving for nicotine. These herbal anti smoking tablets guarantee smoking cessation with no withdrawal symptoms like physical and emotional stress due to the all-natural nicotine substitute.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Smoking and sexual disorders

Smoking is a harmful habit which affects the functioning of the body and makes men impotent.  Smoking affects the fertility of men and those who smoke suffer from low sperm count as compared to a non smoker.  This unhealthy habit results in a number of sexual disorders.

One should avoid smoking as a person gets addicted to it and smoking harms the immune system.  Once tobacco enters the body it affects the lungs and other parts of the body and makes a person weak.  People who smoke suffer from various illnesses like diabetes, cancer, heart problems, etc.  Many men suffer from sexual problem because of smoking and they need to reduce their smoking.  Smoking reduces the blood supply to the male reproductive system and affects the penile mechanism which results in weak or failed erections.  It makes a man difficult to perform as they lose their erections during sexual intercourse leaving both partners unsatisfied.  Men who smoke excessively also suffer from premature ejaculation because he cannot control his ejaculation as tobacco looses up the nerves in the penis.

Therefore if you want to enjoy your sexual life then quit smoking and increase your stamina that will help you last longer in your sexual activities.

Monday, June 8, 2015

How does smoking cause fatigue?

Everyone knows that smoking is not good for the health but for some reason people are still addicted to it and it is due to the presence of nicotine in cigarettes.  It has been confirmed by the medical world that nicotine is bad and can cause lung cancer.  Besides lung cancer it also causes various other illnesses and tiredness and fatigue is also one of it. 

Oxygen is very important as all the crucial parts of the body require oxygen to function. The amount of oxygen in the bloodstream and lungs become less in a smoker as the oxygen is replaced by the smoke that comes from the cigarettes and hence there is a decrease in oxygen which leads to tiredness.

When a person smokes it weakens the blood vessels in the body and it becomes very difficult for the blood to circulate around the body when the arteries and capillaries are weak.  This leads to tiredness as there is disrupted blood flow and the organs do not get the required nutrients. Hence there are chances of heart disease as the heart will not function well if less blood is there in the body.

The most effective way to overcome tiredness is to stop lighting your cigarette and to quit smoking.  It will not be easy initially but if you have the willpower, you can succeed.  You can consume fresh foods as they are more nutritious and do regular physical activities to help you stop feeling exhausted.  You can try herbal anti smoking pills that are becoming popular which will help you quit smoking in a safe way without any withdrawal system.  

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Are you trying to quit smoking?

Smoking is bad for health as it leads to many diseases and disorders like cancer, heart disease and COPD and kills thousands of smokers every year.  It can also affect the smokers loved ones who are subjected to second hand smoke.
It also has cosmetic effects on the smoker as continuous smoking leads to yellow teeth and is more likely to lose their teeth.  Smoking gives bad breath and also has negative effects on the skin. Smokers age prematurely; get wrinkles and ashen colored skin and they look older and unhealthy.  Smoking is more expensive and the average smoker spends $20-30 a week on their habit.  This huge amount can be spent on more constructive things like paying bills and leading a healthy life.   If a smoker continues to smoke they will not only have to spend money on their cigarettes but also the diseases that come with smoking and hence the smoker has to pay more money for health. 
Hence it is advisable to quit smoking and avoid having severe health problems and spending too much money on this habit.   You can quit smoking if you have the will power and strength to do it.  Stop smoking can be hard but there are herbal smoking pills available which will help you to get rid of this habit safely without any withdrawal symptoms.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Eliminate Harmful Smoking Health Effects

Smoking has many negative health effects and if you find the right way to quit smoking, it is not difficult to quit this smoking habit.  Most of the part of your body from hair to feet, smoking causes damage to your body. People smoke because they become addictive and giddiness, cough, burning of eyes and throat are the early signs of the side effects of smoking and the risk increases if you are suffering from diabetes, blood pressure or any other illness.

Smoking causes various types of cancer such as lung cancer, mouth and throat cancer.  Nicotine present in cigarettes causes increase in blood pressure and heart rate and carbon monoxide which is a poisonous gas and is present in the cigarettes harms the lungs and slows down the oxygen supply to the blood vessel and heart thereby causing strokes and heart attack.  If you continue smoking you can have a high risk of getting stomach, liver, esophagus, kidney, bladder, and skin and cervix cancer.

It is important to quit smoking and be free from diseases and live a healthy life.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Quit Smoking and build your personality

Several years of research by highly regarded medical bodies has exposed that Nicotine is largely addictive to women.  Women smokers face a higher risk of developing heart problems, strokes and lung cancer. Besides, smoking is also associated with early menopause and early ageing, causing skin problems from a very young age.

In relation to women, smoking typically damages the hair. Smokers are twice as likely to suffer from hair problems. The chemicals in tobacco make the hair dull and brittle, causing premature hair loss and balding.
Smoking also has damaging effects on the skin. It leads to premature aging of the skin and harms the skins vitality. It also causes premature wrinkling and greatly slows down the skin's healing rate. Gradually, the skin loses its elasticity which causes even more skin problems.

Hence to all of this, quit smoking seems to be the best option to get back your youthful charm.  Quitting smoking will improve the blood supply to the skin and instantly provide a healthy glow to your skin. Your skin will also see a large improvement in the skin tone and colour.  Besides giving up on smoking, consume fruits rich in vitamin C and zinc. These help stimulate collagen which is a significant component for the skin. Also, exfoliate, use night creams, and take natural supplements to maintain your skin’s health in the long run.  

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Negative Effects of Smoking

Coughing: Smokers experience cough as this is the way the body tries and get rid of toxins that are inhaled while smoking. 

Yellow teeth and fingertips: Smoking causes the teeth to change the colour from white to yellow and you will notice that many smokers try to hide their teeth while smiling.  Even the finger tips start looking yellow.

Difficulty with blood circulation: The smoke that is inhaled contaminates the blood not allowing the blood to circulate freely thus clogging the arteries and you will begin to experience cold hands and feet. 

Dull skin: Due to the clogged arteries and lessened blood flow, the skin loses its glow and makes the skin look pale and dull.  

Lessened lung capacity: Smoking affects your overall wellness especially the lungs as it deteriorates the lung capacity. 

Lower Energy: Smoking reduces the body’s oxygen intake which reduces energy levels.  Lower oxygen in the blood also causes the brain to get less oxygen and this will make a smoker unable to concentrate and focus on things.

Bad breath: Smoking causes bad breadth due to the tobacco intake.

Besides the above, smoking causes serious illnesses and heart diseases and if you continue smoking then as you know smoking kills hence it is better to quit smoking soon.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Symptoms after Quitting Smoking

Many people start getting the withdrawal symptoms after they quit smoking.  It can affect people in various ways and the symptoms may be nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, feeling feverish.  These symptoms are normal after a person stops smoking and is a sign of the body getting over the addiction.  A smoker can crave for a cigarette after giving up and these effects differ from person to person.  Many people feel irritable, get headaches, digestive problem and may go through depression also.

This happens because the body gets so used to the effects of tobacco that they crave for it and since the body and brain is not getting the stimulation of cigarettes, the problem arises and this makes it hard for one to quit smoking.  The lungs are so used to the nicotine that in its absence the symptoms of irritability, sickness etc occurs but one just has to use their willpower and be strong.  The other reason being, that the oxygen level drops and that’s the reason for the nausea but it does not take time for the body to adjust to that oxygen level.

However, never start smoking again as these symptoms is temporary and will lessen in a few days.  To overcome this sick feeling, take rest and drink lots of fluids.  Learn more about how to quit smoking and lead a healthy life.