Thursday, November 30, 2017

Risks of Cigarette Smoking

Most of us are already aware of the many harmful effects and the dangerous risks of smoking.  People try smoking for the first time thinking its harmless but then it forms into a habit and becomes very difficult to stop smoking.

You are most probably already aware of the many harmful smoking effects and the dangerous risks of cigarette smoking. There have been thousands of articles and books written about it to help you protect your health. Stopping smoking is not that easy for most people and it is therefore important to know the harmful effects of smoking so that you get the willpower and motivation to quit smoking. Smoking increases your chances of many different types of cancer like lung cancer, skin cancer, etc.  Smoking also makes your energy levels low and you cannot live a healthy life.

People smoke because they feel it helps them cope with stress, anxiety or they feel smoking are pleasant and relaxing.  Some feel smoking is a way to socialize and be a part of a group and feel that it makes them look confident and in control.  Some feel that it’s a way to get attention and control their emotional issues like stress or low self esteem.  Smokers feel that turning to cigarettes help them reduce anxiety and provide a sense of calmness and elevate their mood.

Smokers should make a firm and genuine decision to stop smoking –   quit smoking now and lead a healthy life.

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