Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The dreadful effects of smoking

Tobacco or cigarette smoking is an addictive habit and because of the amount of nicotine in cigarettes the users get addicted to it and hence so many people worldwide are finding it difficult to quit smoking.  Despite knowing the dangers of smoking, some people find it hard to stop smoking.   Teenagers and young adults normally smoke so that be on par with their social circles. 

Smoking is not only highly addictive, but a smoker spends a lot of money on cigarettes; smoking can result in serious life-threatening diseases and other problems like bad breath, yellow teeth and fingers, bad skin etc.  Smoking affects not only the smoker but the people around as well because the smoke which getting emitted from your lungs contains huge amounts of poisonous chemicals which are bad for health and the problem of second-hand smoke affects all around you and even children.   Smoking is also the most common reason for premature death among smokers and the distressing part of it is that deaths also include children who are exposed to second-hand smoke from their parents or relatives.  

When you smoke you inhale a lot of harmful chemicals, some of which are shown to cause different cancer related and other respiratory diseases.  Smoking is also a major cause of strokes, heart illnesses, and several other life-threatening diseases. If you are a pregnant woman and are a smoker or surrounded by smokers your baby most probably will develop either of conditions like weak heart and lungs with curtailed lung function and narrow air passages, premature birth or even death of a child.  If you manage to quit smoking the chances of these illnesses are completely reduced, and you can lead a healthy life.

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