Smoking is a very dangerous addiction, yet people cannot quit smoking easily. Not only people who smoke but the others also get affected; passive smoking is the involuntary inhalation of second hand smoke and this normally occurs in closed areas though open environments are equally susceptible. Passive smoking can have serious effects and can cause illnesses like cancer, respiratory diseases, heart problems, asthma, low birth weight, still births, ear infections, etc.
It is difficult to
give up smoking but if you know the dangers of smoking and value your health
you must have the willpower and determination to quit smoking. You will definitely be more committed to quit
knowing the ill effects of smoking.
There are a lot of
benefits once you quit smoking. You will
notice changes in your body, your smell and taste sense improves, you can
breathe in a better way, reduce the risk of serious illnesses, regaining the
love of your dear ones, have a healthier skin, enjoy better sex life, saving
money and most important living longer and enjoying an improved quality of life
Live a long healthy smoke-free life; quit smoking now –
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suffer the withdrawal symptoms once you quit smoking –